Nordic Championships for Subjuniors and Juniors
Equipped and Classic Powerlifting
16. and 17. september
Host: IL Kraftsport
Venue: Skedsmohallen, Lillestrøm
Plattform 1
Plattform 2
Need to know
Technical meeting: At the hotel Friday at 20hrs, followed by a Nordic meeting. Room TBD.
Transport to venue/hotel:
To venue: 07.15 and 11.45.
To hotel: 19.00
To venue: 07.15 and 11.45
To hotel: 17.30 and 22.00
There will be 2 platforms.
Flights lifting on platform 1 will be named from 11 and upwards (platform 1 – flight/group 1)
Flights lifting on platform 2 will be named from 21 and upwards (platform 2 – flight/group 1)
(Due to the extreme weatherconditions in the last weeks, there has to be some changes to the
original plan. The entire basement of the venue was flooded. This was planned as the warmup-
Warm up area will be behind the platforms. Only lifters and coaches allowed.
Scales at hotel and one extra in the hall.
Cafe: hotdogs, mineralwater, sandwich, cake, stew and coffe. Cash or card.
There will be «meet t-shirt» sale. Cash or card.
SBD stand
Stream from booth platforms. Link will be published before start.
Sauna, shower and changing rooms at the venue.
Parking: Free, next the venue.
Award ceremony after all lifting Saturday and Sunday.
Banquet: Sunday 19.00, at the venue.
Thon Hotel Oslo Airport
Hotell booking:
Shuttle Bus from airport to hotel. Tickets on the ticket-automat at airport.
Skedsmohallen, Lillestrøm
IL Kraftsport arranges bus transport to/from hotels/venue. 10 euro t/r. Number of persons to be sent to the organizer together with final nomination.
Stemningsfilmer fra NM 2022
Filmene er laget av Kvad Media